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October 31, 2008

Willow Has Found The Beanies!

So, I have this rather large store-type display case with many many many Beanie Babies on it ranging from the very small to the "buddy" size. This, in times past, was my prized collection and it represents literally hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars spent.

When I bring Willow upstairs for her bath (which is one of her favorite times of the day) I set up the baby gate in front of the staircase because, let's fact it, by myself I can't get everything I need and hold her at the same time. Well, I can if I want my arm to fall off (25 pounds is heavy!!). Besides which she is much happier being able to walk around and explore. When David and I "tag-team" her she usually hangs with David as he draws the bath and I get things ready for bed. But, since he is gone on a trip Willow has found other ways to occupy herself...

If you have a toddler, you know that they are curious creatures. If there is somewhere they haven't explored yet, they are drawn to it like a magnet. And the beanie display is full of colorful animals and the like, all of a size that is absolutely perfect for putting right in your mouth.

Now, my first instinct is to tell her "No!!" and draw her attention elsewhere. But, there is nothing very compelling in the game room (despite its name) to distract her from the colorful texture-rich goodness that are the beanies. And what am I really "saving" them for anyway? Sure, they are all tag-protected and neatly stacked and I once had a dream of them appreciating in value. But then Ty decided to keep making them and what value they had went down the toilet.

So, why not let her play with them? Besides, she is really cute when she grabs one, holds out her arm full-length, and tilts her head to the side to "give" it to me. Yes, I silently cringe but I'll get over it.

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