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July 18, 2008

Amazon Store Highlights - Medela Pump In Style Breast Pump

I knew I wanted to breastfeed from the moment I got pregnant. But I also knew that I would be working and I would need a breast pump to express milk when Willow was unable to nurse because I was at work. (You may (or may not) have read about my woes when it came to breastfeeding) But, since Willow never latched on, I was glad that I had spent the money and bought what I feel is the best breast pump out there, the Medela Pump In Style Breast Pump.

The great thing about this breast pump is that it has two nozzles so you can express from both breasts at once, if you care to. It has a variable control so you can decide how much suction you would like to have. When I first started, I went with what it felt like when Willow tried to nurse and then as I used it, I was able to up the suction until I had it maxed out. And let me tell you. I know everyone is different, but when I really got into the pumping groove, I pumped an ounce a minute.

I just can't say enough good things about this pump. It's easy to use and has a handy shoulder bag to carry it in and comes with a freezer pack to store the milk. Everything a pumping mom needs!

While I'm at it, I'll go ahead and recommend some nipple cream since you'll definitely need it either if you are nursing or pumping milk. The best stuff out there (in my opinion) is Lansinoh.

It brought me GREAT relief for my very sore nipples when I was pumping and a little goes a long way.

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