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July 16, 2008

The Sleep Chronicles - Early to Bed, Late to Rise

Since I have been "going with the flow" Willow has been sleeping better. Looking at and listening to her cues has really been helping us in the sleep arena. She now sleeps for as long as she would like during the day and goes to bed half an hour earlier (in her crib for sleep at 7:30pm). Willow is now going to bed before she is overtired. This has resulted in her sleeping better at night. She has been routinely sleeping until between 5:30am and 6:00am and I am so glad!

Apparently the "Early to Bed, LATE to Rise" mantra worked! The whole concept behind that is when babies are overtired, they do not sleep as well. But, when they are sleepy and NOT overtired, they sleep better and longer. From what I have read, if your baby is rubbing his/her eyes they are already overtired. However, I am sure that's not true for everyone.

Although I say I am "go with the flow" Willow still has set start times for her naps during the day. But they have been established by her, not me. I have had to tweak a little here and there, especially getting her form three naps to two naps a few months ago, but it has all worked out in the end.

Even though this has worked out, I still feel like I don't know very much about sleep and babies. I have read books and I have experimented with Willow but since every baby is an individual and there is no one answer, it is just trial and error. No matter how many experts you consult, it is up to you and your baby in the end. I still encourage people to read books, especially Ferber's book (Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems), and to research on their own. No one knows your baby as well as you do.

If you are having trouble getting your baby to sleep and they are over 5 months old (when babies are capable of self-soothing) I wish you luck and I hope that maybe The Sleep Chronicles have been of some help to you! I'll still be updating as the need arises!!

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