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October 7, 2008

Reading to Willow - Moo, Baa, La La La

What Daddy thinks:
This book is short. 13 pages. Which is unfortunate because Willow really likes this book. The book shows animals and the sounds that they make. At the end the animals are quiet so that YOU can make the appropriate noises. Willow can't flip this page fast enough. I'm not sure why but she likes every page but the last. I'm sure this will change in time.

What Mommy thinks:
I love reading this book to Willow since it means I get to make animal sounds. And that is, of course, her favorite part. I love Sandra Boynton's books because they are a great length for babies and toddlers who have short attention spans.

What Willow thinks:
Willow says: "What a fantastic book! I don't know what is sweeter, hearing the animal sounds or the fact that my parents are making the sounds. When they get to the end of the book I'm ready for it to be read again!"

Okay so she doesn't really say all that but she does smile, giggle, and slap at the book indicating that she wants you to keep reading. As opposed to pushing the book away, letting you know she's done with this one.

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