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October 23, 2008

Sometimes Here in BLOGsphere, I Think I am Missing Something...

And I probably am. I keep thinking about this blog and what it is and what it could be. And I keep thinking and thinking and thinking....and I think I have it down just to discover that I know nothing. It's kind of like being a mom, am I right?

I keep trying to do things to make my blog look better when maybe I should be focusing more on content. And by that I mean that maybe it's time I got a little more personal...

I guess people like to read about snot and poop and stuff like that. And we get those things, but they seem so far between occurrences that I think "why bother?". But I am going to try. I have a Live Journal, which has been in production since August of 2002, where I do get very personal. But I tend to be a whiner and I like to keep those things to myself so that is "Friends Only". We also have a family blog, which we recently made private. But that's mostly pictures and videos of Willow for the relatives who don't live in town. Well, and that happens to be almost all of our relatives since my lovely sister and her family moved to Washington D.C.

Anyway, I have decided that I am going to try and keep my normal information-packed-content for parents while inserting some plain old life-type mom stuff here and there. Sound like a plan?

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