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November 23, 2008

Babies Are Easy?

I thought babies were hard, but they have nothing on toddlers. Toddlers are little people who think the world revolves around them, because it does. I asked Willow yesterday if she wanted some milk and she started balling her eyes out and writhing on the floor. Seriously. You would think that I had asked her if she wanted me to pull out her fingernails or something.

The littlest thing can ignite a temper tantrum. Luckily I can tell the fake crying from the real crying and if I ignore the fake crying it doesn't last long. And she is not shy about trying to fake-cry her way into getting something. I would like to say that it's fun or cute but instead I find myself wishing for the earlier days every now and again. You know, the days when I had no idea what I was doing that went by in a blur that I knew I would be longing for again one day. I just didn't think it would be this soon.

The toddler I am living with now has shown me yet again that having one child is the correct amount for me. I think I may just pull my hair out if I had to deal with a baby and a toddler and I commend those moms that have more than one child. They should get an award for their commitment.

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