David Shannon wrote this book when he was 5 years old. Many years later his mother, who had saved it, gave it to him. Rightfully so, he decided that it was well worth publishing. Many parents, like myself, agree.
What Daddy says: I think it's neat the the author made the book or at least the idea of the book was born when he was 5. He drew up each situation and put in what his Mom said. There really isn't very much to read in this book, each page is just a few words of admonishment from Mom to David. I usually add a bit, explaining to Willow what David did wrong or why that made his Mom angry.
What Mommy says: The illustrations are wonderfully colorful and fun in this book. The only bad thing I wonder when reading this books is "Am I teaching Willow about the things that David is doing wrong in such a way that she will try them out?" But, then I remember that toddlers do what they want and eventually would have had the ideas themselves when it comes to testing limits and trying new things. With so few words in the book, it's easy to add things yourself to keep your little one interested and looking at all of the different things throughout the house.
What Willow says: Willow really loves this book, as most of the action takes place in a house there are lots of things to point out. Willow likes identifying things we ask her to show us, including the non-grounded plugs. I guess that shows how old the author is. Willow likes all the pages in the book but she really enjoys the page of David running down the street naked. She likes to point at his butt and laugh. That and the fire hydrant.