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November 6, 2009

Thanksgiving Traditions

Can you think of any Thanksgiving movies? Christmas has a ton and even Halloween has "The Great Pumpkin", not to mention your run-of-the-mill horror stories. My husband likes to point out that his favorite Thanksgiving move is "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" (hence the lovely graphic at the beginning of the post).

Halloween has pumpkin carving and dressing up. Christmas has Santa and presents (Jesus seems to get lost sometimes, if you ask me). What do you think of when you think of Thanksgiving? Yesterday I talked about Christmas traditions and today I'd like to talk about Thanksgiving traditions. What makes Thanksgiving special to you and your family? Do you truly "give thanks" on that day?

Most people associate Thanksgiving with the MEAL. Ffoooooooooooddd. I am guilty of this too. I love a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. I even don't mind being the one to cook it. But, just cooking a fancy meal shouldn't be what makes this day special. I mean, come on, kids get two whole days off of school (and many people have those days off from work, unless you are fortunate enough to work in retail)! This is an excellent opportunity to celebrate some good old American history with your family.

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated to give thanks to God and the Native Americans for helping the pilgrims survive the brutal winter. Although half of the pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower had already died, many more would have had it not been for the native Americans teaching the pilgrims to harvest foods. The first Thanksgiving feast lasted three whole days providing enough food for 53 pilgrims and 90 Indians.

While the first Thanksgiving was in the 1600's, it wasn't until 1863 when Abraham Lincoln declared the third Thursday of November to be Thanksgiving. It later became a Federal Holiday in 1941.

I know, we all learn in school about the Mayflower and the Pilgrims and how the Native Americans helped them. BORING! Am I right? I mean, it's not like you get to dress up, or get presents or chocolate. You just get a fancy dinner. So, why not make Thanksgiving just as "traditional" as the other Holidays around the year? It's a way for your family to come together and spend some quality time remembering the real reason we celebrate (hint: it's not about football).

With Halloween and Christmas, the decorating is half the fun, right? So, why not add Thanksgiving into the mix? Kids love crafts. Well, pre-teen kids love crafts. I am reminded of an episode if Yo Gabba Gabba when they have an Art Show. Why not ask your kids to help you decorate by creating their very own art show with a Thanksgiving theme? They can make turkeys, centerpieces for the table, napkin rings for dinner, etc. (ideas and how-to's under "more information" below). It's a great way to spend quality time with your family, AND start a new tradition! "Hunting" for decorations from nature (like pine cones and fall leaves) is also a great family activity.

One other thing you can consider is sending out a Thanksgiving Holiday card, instead of (or in addition to) a Christmas card. I had some friends do this last year and I thought it was wonderful since their card really stood out and didn't get lost in the deluge of Christmas cards we get.

Just a couple of things to think about. We all watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and football. And we all try our best to cook a fabulous dinner that our families won't forget (until Christmas, at least). I just think that making Thanksgiving stand out for something other than a great meal and some television (that we probably get too much of already) is always a good idea.

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