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April 22, 2010

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!! I love this planet we live on and I love teaching my daughter about the Earth and why it's our job to take care of it.

There is a team in Germany working for an initiative called "Make it Green!". Their goal is to contribute their part in reducing the carbon footprint by raising awareness of the severe environmental damage caused by carbon emissions.

One of their activities is to raise awareness of the carbon emissions resulting from the use of the internet - specifically of blogs. Did you know that a blog with 15,000 visits a month has a yearly carbon dioxide emissions of 8lb? Who knew?

To demonstrate that I care about the environment (I mean, shouldn't we all?) and the carbon footprint of my blog, I have added a button on my sidebar. Just by my adding the button, they will neutralize my blog's carbon footprint by planting trees in cooperation with the Arbor Day Foundation in Plumas National Forest in Northern California. Thousands of wildfires burned down many national forests over the past ten years and 88.000 acres of Plumas' were destroyed by two fires in 2007. For every participating blog they plant a tree. One blog - one tree.

Why? They are a German-based company called kaufDA, which provides advertisement brochures of local stores online to help consumers search for specific products and find good deals in their neighborhood. This reduces the amount of brochures printed and so the project helps the environment by reducing unnecessary paper in mailboxes.

This is how I have decided to celebrate Earth Day!!

Please take a moment today to marvel at the wonder that is this planet we live on. Sit back and appreciate it, even if it's only for a moment. It's the only planet we have!

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