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May 28, 2008

Amazon Store Highlights - The Miracle Blanket

When Willow was first born, we knew that babies liked to be swaddled but we weren't quite sure if we were doing it right. We started by using a receiving blanket (5-Pack Receiving Blankets) for the job. However, Willow liked to move her arms around and got them free a lot of the time, waking her up due to a newborns Startle Reflex. (The Startle or Moro Reflex is something that would wake her up in the night.)

It was soon after we discovered the wonders of the Miracle Blanket, from reading about it in Baby 411, Third Edition: Clear Answers & Smart Advice for Your Baby's First Year

This blanket did wonders for Willow and her sleeping. She slept wonderfully thanks to this blanket and it kept her arms secure by her side so she was not woken up by her Startle Reflex in the night. We actually got two of them and have since given one away to a pregnant friend.

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