As you may (or may not) have noticed, I have an Amazon store. The reason for this store is to make people aware of things that I have purchased that have helped me in my new job of being a Mom. So, I have decided to have a series of posts where I highlight an item and tell you why I bought it or, should have bought it (but didn't because my daughter is too old now). The first item I am going to discuss is the one that I have gotten the most use out of. It is my Philips Avent iQ Bottle Warmer. This is one of the best purchases we made.
When I first had Willow I knew I wanted to breastfeed and didn't think that I would need something like a bottle warmer since she would (obviously) be drinking right from the breast. Little did I know that circumstances would arise that would necessitate the use of bottles, and later a bottle warmer. You can read my story here (if you haven't already).
Needless to say, I knew nothing about warming up a baby bottle. I knew that it shouldn't be warmer than your finger. I wasn't really sure how to use the microwave but I knew you should never warm up a baby bottle in the microwave because the microwave could cause the bottle to heat unevenly, which could burn your baby’s mouth. So, we were left with the stove and using a pot. Honestly, a bottle warmer never entered my mind. I am an Aerospace Engineer so you would think that technology and all its wonders would have led me to the bottle warmer right away but, nope.
When my husband was getting ready to go back to work (he had been off for 2 months or so helping me with Willow) I was starting to panic. We had to go downstairs to heat up the bottles during the night since all the bedrooms were upstairs. We had been kind of tag-teaming the whole feeding process, which was partially necessitated by my pumping breast milk while Willow had a bottle. He would go downstairs and heat up the bottle while I changed Willow's diaper after she woke up.
Finally I got sick of it and thought there MUST be a better way. That is when the use of a bottle warmer dawned on me. So, I brought up the trusty Amazon website and looked around. The thing I LOVE about the Amazon website is the customer reviews for all of the products. Like I said, I ended up choosing the Philips Avent iQ Bottle Warmer
It is one of the best purchases I could have made. And the great thing about it is it will heat up frozen milk, refrigerated milk, or room temperature milk. It also heats up baby food, if you're into that as well. It's super easy to use and in the time it takes to heat up the water on the stove (let alone the bottle) the bottle is warm and ready for your baby's consumption. I have recommended this to a TON of friends who have babies or know people who are going to be having babies. And now I am recommending it to you.