You may remember a couple of months ago when I posted about a contest the Miracle Blanket® company was holding called Crying to Calm. Well, the contest was only a few days long and it didn't get the response that they were hoping for, probably due in part to the short time-frame.
As such, the Miracle Blanket® folks are trying again!! (click image to enlarge)

Notice the $500 first prize?? Who can't use that kind of cash in this economy??
What they are looking for is the best video example demonstrating the true miracle of Miracle Blanket®. See what you can capture on video showing your baby going from fussy & crying to a peaceful serenity after being wrapped in the Miracle Blanket. Quality is not super important, but it has to be a continuous roll with no cuts, transitions, edits so we can see the actual, real-time effect of the Miracle Blanket®.
Post your video to YouTube as follows:
- Title - Baby crying to calm
- Description - Miracle Blanket Calms Crying Baby
- Tags - Colic, crying baby, crying infant, fussy newborn, baby sleep
- Category - How To
Judging criteria will include:
- Best example of extremes - crying to calm
- Ease of demonstration - smooth & steady
- Video & audio quality - steady shot, lighting, framing, audibility, etc.
- Proper wrapping - top blanket edge below shoulder level, snug fit. Demo at
If you decide to join, good luck!!