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May 14, 2008

Schedules Schmedules

We have been working to change Willow's schedule so she takes two naps a day at approximate times, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. We have also shifted her bedtime 1/2 an hour later in the evening. She has been a trooper throughout the whole thing. Yesterday she ended her second nap at 12:45pm instead of the about 2:30pm to 3:00pm I would have liked. I thought for sure she would not make it until bedtime at 7:30pm so when we got home a little after 4:30pm I laid her down to get some rest. She was playing in the crib for about 10 minutes before I was sure she wasn't going to go to sleep and I got her out of bed.

It got a little rough in the 5:30pm to 6:30pm hour but she actually made it almost all the way with very little fuss. I ended up putting her to bed at 7:20pm instead of 7:30pm and she was out like a light. I had to actually wake her up this morning in order to get going for the day. She slept for 11 hours!! And she stayed up for a whopping 6.5 hours in a row!

This just cements for me the fact that she is growing up so fast. I was reading Pat the Bunny with her yesterday and she loved the page where she got to "Play peek-a-boo with Paul"; she kept lifting up the little cloth. She is really interested in tactile sensations of late. We have another book that her Grandmother got for her that she really loves as well...the name escapes me right now.

**side note**

When I say "Grandmother" I am referring to David's mother. When I say "Oma" I am referring to my mother since that's what you call grandparents in Germany and it's what she prefers. My father died in 1988 (has it really been 20 years?) so when I say "Grandfather" I am referring to David's dad.

**end side note**

She also loves giving kisses (slobbery and open-mouthed, but she is getting there) and touching noses when we say "noses" and she gives great hugs. She also likes to snuggle from time to time, especially when she is tired. She gets excited when she sees her milk bottle and she loves riding in the car. I love her personality. She lights up my day when she looks at me sideways and giggles.

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