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May 13, 2008

Why Mommy Vomitpants?

I was reading my Live Journal (LJ) and a former friend touted the "syndication" of her LJ and it made me wonder. When this person told me they were making $600 a week on their other website I was intrigued. Especially after I saw the website and it was nothing special. (Neither is her blog, but that's another story) And by "nothing special" what I mean is, there was nothing to it. There was a few badly laid out pages with little to no content and an Amazon Affiliates Store. And the pages that were there were not special or flashy any way you try to look at it.

I thought to myself, I would love to make a website with advice and observations for mothers. Something that talked about things in the news and answered questions that I found myself answering all the time when new moms or moms-to-be asked me for advice since I had a new baby myself. Something where I could write it all down while it was still new in my brain.

And I asked my sister for help since she is a stay at home mother or four and she has been my source for information when I had questions about Willow and her development. And then I asked my husband if he would like to contribute and he was excited about it too.

The thing my sister always says when I visit her and have vomit or spit up on my shoulder or shirt is that those things are the sign of a new mom and they are kind of like a badge of honor. I was playing with Willow one night and she vomited all over my pants and the name "Mommy Vomitpants" just came to mind. So, I bought the domain name for $10.

Then I started trying to build my web page and spent a few days working on it before throwing in the towel and using Blogger. I have been using Blogger for months (since Willow was born) and it's super easy and well laid out. I am still trying to figure out how to make Blogger redirect to my .com domain but I am happy right now where we are.

When it was all said and done I didn't care if anyone bought things from my Amazon Store or clicked on my Google Ad's. Would that be nice? SURE!! But my main goal is to just get advice and observations out there for other moms to look at.

You can take my advice or leave it. I am no expert in anything and I don't claim to be. If you like what I have to say then GREAT!! If not, that's okay too because it's a free world we live in. If I help even one person one time, that's all I'd like to do. So, if you find the information here helpful, please comment!! I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions!

Thanks for reading Mommy Vomitpants!

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