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June 4, 2008

Amazon Store Highlights - Modular Drying Rack

I can't say enough about having a good drying rack for your bottles. When we first got one, David was skeptical because he doesn't like to spend money he didn't think we needed one. That is, until we HAD one.

This is not the exact drying rack we have, but it got GREAT reviews on Amazon, which is always important in my opinion. The one we have and love is actually not available on Amazon and when it was it got terrible reviews. You can find it here at Babies R Us.

You honestly don't realize how useful this is until you have one and think about what it was like before you had it. This is a great way to dry bottles and nipples and everything else that goes with them. I HIGHLY recommend getting one. The space it takes on the counter is minimal and we never take our off of the counter. I don't imagine we will until Willow is no longer using bottles.

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