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June 3, 2008


From the beginning of our marriage, David and I have though of ourselves as a team. We share the responsibility for everything from cleaning to cooking to laundry and we make communication #1 in our household.

We have continued this thought process since Willow was born 37 weeks ago. When it comes to her, we both think of ourselves LAST. We both: change diapers, bathe her, feed her, dress her, and play with her and it is a joy for the both of us.

It just amazes me how many dad's (and sometimes mom's) I see or hear about that aren't as involved in their children's lives as David is in Willow's. Why did you bring a child into the world if you couldn't be bothered to spend quality time with them and help their mom (or dad) around the house? Because you know what? Dinner gets cooked faster, the house is kept cleaner, and Willow is a happier baby because we WORK together as a TEAM.

If this were 30 years ago when women didn't work (because they didn't have to) then I can almost understand. But just because you worked hard all day long doesn't mean you get to take a break when you get home because your husband or wife has "only" had to take care of the baby all day.

When Willow was born in September, I took the rest of the year off from work to be with her as long as I could. I even took 3 weeks of unpaid time. David was home with me for the first eight weeks or so. After the first couple of DAYS he said to me "I was kind of jealous when you said you'd be off for the rest of the year because I thought it wold be like a vacation for you. Boy was I wrong."

Yeah, DUH.

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